zilele astea am recitit caragiale si nu mi-am putut stavili rasul la urmatoarele:
La Zolfărino ghe vale,
Mere-un ghenăral călare
Și tot strigă-n gura mare:
―Împărache înălțache!
Pugne pache, nu che bache,
Că-ți perzi cătagnele toake!
...und zo waiter
(Despre cometa)
miercuri, 3 martie 2010
calling the rain
ei bine aseara am redescoperit cu mare drag melodia de mai jos. cred ca o stiu din liceu si tot de atunci nu am mai ascultat-o, uitand complet de ea. nici nu stiam cine o canta atunci cand stiam de ea.
imi place foarte tare linia melodica si tandemul vocilor. un anumit tip de emotie, de bucurie.
Yasmin and Atrocity - Calling the Rain
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imi place foarte tare linia melodica si tandemul vocilor. un anumit tip de emotie, de bucurie.
Yasmin and Atrocity - Calling the Rain
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apa si dincolo
ieri noapte visam cum ma acoperea apa unui tsunami
azi noapte am visat pereti aposi
pe seara am aflat ca o colega a cuiva a murit injunghiata de iubitul ei, exact de la stirile de la ora 5
cred ca m-am speriat putin
azi noapte am visat pereti aposi
pe seara am aflat ca o colega a cuiva a murit injunghiata de iubitul ei, exact de la stirile de la ora 5
cred ca m-am speriat putin
n-am mai avut asa o energie de multi ani. as putea spune ca numai in copilarie si adolescenta am trait astfel, continuu. de cand mi s-a redeschis si apetitul pentru handbal simt nevoia sa alerg, sa fac miscare, sa uit de orice fel de mancare si sa imi simt corpul liber si usor. incerc nevoia purificarii, dupa ani de stat in diverse obisnuinte nesanatoase.
am trait pentru prima oara bucuria unui meci de handbal profesionist acum vreo 2 saptamani, cand oltchim a jucat cu itxaco. in liceu am asistat la cateva meciuri de volei ale echipei locale, insa nu se compara cu atmosfera din sala Traian din Valcea. nu stiu ce anume m-a tinut sa nu stau tot timpul in picioare si sa urlu incurajari. probabil o alta obisnuinta dobandita in timp, rusinea.
imi pare rau ca anja a plecat de la oltchim. o echipa romaneasca ar fi avut sansa sa faca performanta fara bici, cu metode precum castigarea increderii, placerea jocului si foame de handbal, de lucruri indraznete si shui.
dar aceste experiente mi-au redeschis nevoile sportive, asa ca peste vreo 2 zile voi incepe sa alerg (mi-e atat de dor sa alerg singura, sa simt cum vajaie vantul pe langa urechi).
am trait pentru prima oara bucuria unui meci de handbal profesionist acum vreo 2 saptamani, cand oltchim a jucat cu itxaco. in liceu am asistat la cateva meciuri de volei ale echipei locale, insa nu se compara cu atmosfera din sala Traian din Valcea. nu stiu ce anume m-a tinut sa nu stau tot timpul in picioare si sa urlu incurajari. probabil o alta obisnuinta dobandita in timp, rusinea.
imi pare rau ca anja a plecat de la oltchim. o echipa romaneasca ar fi avut sansa sa faca performanta fara bici, cu metode precum castigarea increderii, placerea jocului si foame de handbal, de lucruri indraznete si shui.
dar aceste experiente mi-au redeschis nevoile sportive, asa ca peste vreo 2 zile voi incepe sa alerg (mi-e atat de dor sa alerg singura, sa simt cum vajaie vantul pe langa urechi).
norwegian wood
am vazut in sfarsit filmul...sub carte, dar bun totusi. peisaje superbe.
optimismul rece murakamian si indian summer
optimismul rece murakamian si indian summer
luis bunuel si memoria
trebuie sa incepi sa-ti pierzi memoria, fie si crampeie din ea, pentru a intelege ca aceasta memorie constituie de fapt intreaga noastra viata. o viata fara memorie n-ar mai fi viata, asa cum o inteligenta care nu se poate exprima nu ar mai fi inteligenta. memoria e coerenta noastra, ratiunea noastra, actiunea noastra, sentimentul nostru. nu suntem nimic fara ea.
memoria, indispensabila si atotputernica, e si fragila, si vulnerabila. ea nu este amenintata doar de uitare, eternul ei inamic, ci si de falsele amintiri ce o invadeaza zilnic.................
memoria e continuu invadata de imaginatie si reverie si, cum exista tentatia de a crede in realitatea plasmuirilor, sfarsim prin a face din minciuna noastra un adevar, ceea ce, de altfel, are doar o importanta relativa, caci realitatea si plasmirile sunt la fel de vii si de personale.
memoria, indispensabila si atotputernica, e si fragila, si vulnerabila. ea nu este amenintata doar de uitare, eternul ei inamic, ci si de falsele amintiri ce o invadeaza zilnic.................
memoria e continuu invadata de imaginatie si reverie si, cum exista tentatia de a crede in realitatea plasmuirilor, sfarsim prin a face din minciuna noastra un adevar, ceea ce, de altfel, are doar o importanta relativa, caci realitatea si plasmirile sunt la fel de vii si de personale.
11th house - steven forrest
First we must define the word. Friend in this case has little to do with real intimacy. For that kind of insight we look to the seventh house, not to the eleventh. What we see here is far more superficial. We see only an ocean of familiar faces. Our associates. Our peer group. Our crowd. How do we choose those people? We choose them because they reflect our goals. If we aspire to being an artist, we seek out the company of artists. If we want to write, we are drawn to writers. If we want to become braver, we seek adventurers and daredevils. To find life’s meaning, we associate with mystics and yogis and students of philosophy. By embodying the future we want for ourselves, those people help stabilize our own intentions. For us, they symbolize the future. And by interacting with them, our own aim is made more real to us.
First comes the goal. Then come the friends. That is the natural order, if our eleventh-house navigation is to be successful. But perhaps it is unsuccessful. Then, lacking any sense of direction, we seek friends at random. Friends “happen to us.” We find ourselves involved in a network of associates and peers who contribute nothing to our life strategy. They simply take up our time.
First comes the goal. Then come the friends. That is the natural order, if our eleventh-house navigation is to be successful. But perhaps it is unsuccessful. Then, lacking any sense of direction, we seek friends at random. Friends “happen to us.” We find ourselves involved in a network of associates and peers who contribute nothing to our life strategy. They simply take up our time.
someone like you
incredibil, dar imi place aceasta melodie si cand spun melodie ma refer la linia melodica. eu nu ascult versuri (dar, ca sa ma scuz, versurile acestei melodii sunt de pe piata). si imi place doar in aceasta varianta, brit awards.
In spatele fiecaruia dintre voi exista ani de viata falsa si stupida. Intotdeauna voi cedati slabiciunilor voastre,intotdeauna inchideti ochii asupra erorilor voastre, incercand sa evitati adevarurile neplacute, mintindu-va incontinuu pe voi insiva, justificandu-va, condamnandu-i pe ceilalti.
Another vision
"Can I be free enough to receive what is unknown, behind all my avid movements toward the outside? This unknown, which is behind and beyond, cannot be perceived by my senses. I am able to see a form, but I cannot know through my senses the true nature of what it is. My thinking knows forms but cannot grasp the reality behind them, the reality of what I am, which appears just before and after each thought or feeling. What we experience—sounds, forms, colors, thoughts—cannot exist without a background. But this background cannot be perceived by my senses. It remains unseen, not experienced. The forms and the reality are parts of a single whole, but they exist in different dimensions. The real is not affected by the material of my thinking and cannot absorb it. Reality is on another level. Yet the material of my thought absorbs the real and constructs illusions based on forms. The form acts as a veil hiding the reality. When the reality of myself is not felt, I cannot help but believe in this illusion and call it “I.” Nevertheless, the illusion is only a mirage which dissolves the moment silence is established.
I have to see that there is a space between thoughts, a void that is reality, and I need to remain as long as possible in this space. Then another kind of thinking appears, clear and intelligent, a thought of another level, another dimension. I see that the usual thought, which is limited and measureable, can never understand that which is beyond measure. With my usual vision I see the physical aspect of the world. With this other vision I see another dimension in which the immeasurable has its own movement. If my centers are absolutely still, without any movement, the energy can pass through them. I see what I did not see before. I see what is. In this seeing there is a light, a light that is not ordinary. Things appear and disappear in the void but are illuminated, and I am no longer so taken by them. In this seeing I can understand my true nature and the true nature of things around me.
It is not a matter of fighting indifference or lethargy or anger. The real problem is vision—to see. But this seeing is only possible if we return to the source, to the reality in us. We need another quality of seeing, a look that penetrates and goes immediately to the root of myself. If we look at ourselves from outside, we cannot penetrate and go deeper because we see only the body, the form of the seed, its materiality. Reality is here, only I have never put my attention on it. I live with my back turned to myself."
Jeanne de Salzmann
sursa: http://www.realityofbeing.org/another_vision.html
I have to see that there is a space between thoughts, a void that is reality, and I need to remain as long as possible in this space. Then another kind of thinking appears, clear and intelligent, a thought of another level, another dimension. I see that the usual thought, which is limited and measureable, can never understand that which is beyond measure. With my usual vision I see the physical aspect of the world. With this other vision I see another dimension in which the immeasurable has its own movement. If my centers are absolutely still, without any movement, the energy can pass through them. I see what I did not see before. I see what is. In this seeing there is a light, a light that is not ordinary. Things appear and disappear in the void but are illuminated, and I am no longer so taken by them. In this seeing I can understand my true nature and the true nature of things around me.
It is not a matter of fighting indifference or lethargy or anger. The real problem is vision—to see. But this seeing is only possible if we return to the source, to the reality in us. We need another quality of seeing, a look that penetrates and goes immediately to the root of myself. If we look at ourselves from outside, we cannot penetrate and go deeper because we see only the body, the form of the seed, its materiality. Reality is here, only I have never put my attention on it. I live with my back turned to myself."
Jeanne de Salzmann
sursa: http://www.realityofbeing.org/another_vision.html
amintirea de sine
nu va amintiti niciodata de voi insiva
Prima impresie a fost ca incercarile de amintire de sine sau de a fi constient de sine, de a putea spune: eu sunt cel care merge, eu sunt cel care face asta, incercand sa simti senzatia acestui eu - aveau ca efect oprirea gandurilor. de indata ce aveam senzatia acelui eu nu mai puteam sa gandesc, nici sa vorbesc. de aceea nu-ti poti aminti de tine insuti decat pt cateva clipe.
In actul de amintire de sine atentia se divizeaza: o parte este dirijata spre efortul pe care il faci (a merge), cealalta spre senzatia de sine. Eu vorbesc despre amintirea de sine ca despre o divizare a atentiei.
P.D. Ouspenski
Prima impresie a fost ca incercarile de amintire de sine sau de a fi constient de sine, de a putea spune: eu sunt cel care merge, eu sunt cel care face asta, incercand sa simti senzatia acestui eu - aveau ca efect oprirea gandurilor. de indata ce aveam senzatia acelui eu nu mai puteam sa gandesc, nici sa vorbesc. de aceea nu-ti poti aminti de tine insuti decat pt cateva clipe.
In actul de amintire de sine atentia se divizeaza: o parte este dirijata spre efortul pe care il faci (a merge), cealalta spre senzatia de sine. Eu vorbesc despre amintirea de sine ca despre o divizare a atentiei.
P.D. Ouspenski
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